Welcome to the San Diego Refugee Forum

The San Diego Refugee Forum is a professional association of organizations and advocates serving all populations fleeing persecution and seeking refuge in San Diego. The Refugee Forum meets monthly to exchange information and advocate on issues of concern to the community of people displaced by war and violent conflict who are now in San Diego.

Membership includes VOLAGs, MAAs, Employment Services, Government Agencies, community-based groups, refugees, advocates, and supporting individuals. The San Diego Refugee Forum meets the third Tuesday of each month, hosts guest speakers and facilitates discussion on topics of interest. The Forum also provides government agencies with an opportunity for gathering information and input on policy issues concerning the refugee community. Active members become voting members upon remitting annual dues.

Latest News

SAVE THE DATE – World Refugee Day celebration June 19

Posted April 23, 2011 by Site Administrator

Celebrate San Diego as the refugee resettlement capital of the world and sample its diversity with fantastic food, fascinating photography, vivid video installations and inspiring discussions.

At the prestigious Museum of Photographic Arts in Balboa Park, join Pulitzer Prize winner Don Bartletti, local photography heroes Sam Hodgson and Roberto “Bear” Guerra, and award-winning Iraqi filmmaker Fady Hadid for a carefully curated afternoon of film and photography highlighting the many contributions refugees make to their new communities in San Diego.


Collaborating for Healthy Communication Language Conference

Posted January 22, 2011 by Site Administrator

Conferece materials now available. Get the details here

International Night of Networking

Posted January 22, 2011 by Site Administrator

The night was a great success in connecting refugee professionals with leading employers in San Diego. Read news coverage in Voice of San Diego

Monthly Meetings

Please join us for our monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month, 10:30 a.m.-12 noon, 5348 University Avenue, Ste 110, at Springfield College.
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